Photographs and narratives by ROBERT LEUTHEUSER from and of his travels through Kurdistan and the greater Middle East. Published in conjunction with his photographic website

All images and text are protected by copyright law. Please contact Robert Leutheuser at for any and all uses. Thank you.

01 April 2019

Safara Qola (The Collection of Wood) at Lalish Temple

For 3 days this past week I once again visited Lalish, the Yezidian holy temple in Iraqi Kurdistan, this time to witness their annual ceremony of Safara Qola - the collection of wood.  Although the event is heavily steeped in ritual, the work is real.  A small army of bare-footed men, and a few women, scrambled up the nearby steep hillside to gather cut logs, load them on their backs with heavy woolen straps, and carry them to Lalish Temple for cooking during the upcoming year.

The cold and rain did not dampen the devotion of the faithful, nor did the recent and enduring ISIS-spawned tragedies.

More images will follow on my website,

I extend my deep appreciation to Amer Seido, a longtime true friend, who continues to welcome me in his home, and who made this visit possible.

(All photographs are protected under copyright law and cannot be re-posted or used in any way without expressed permission of the photographer.  Please email me at to submit your request.  Thank you.)

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